Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Recipe

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Recipe

Everyone and their mama knows about celery juice, but have you tried Medical Medium's Detox Smoothie yet?

I'll admit that I'm new to it as well, which is why I wanted to share it, so that we can all join in on this detox fun. 


Main components: 

  • Spirulina  
  • Barley grass juice powder 
  • Cilantro 
  • Wild blueberries
  • Atlantic dulse 


The spirulina and the barley grass juice powder work in tandem to pull out heavy metals from organs in your intestinal tract, reproductive organs, as well as your liver.

Photo from: @alter.health 


My first thought about this smoothie was that it was going to taste uber green, however, I started feeling more drawn to try it out. I had seen multiple people on social media showing their Detox Smoothie topped with mulberries, goji berries, banana, and frozen blueberries, and it started to actually seem appealing. 


We're at an in-between transition season wise going from spring to summer, and for some people, that transition can be challenging. In Ayurveda, the transition of seasons can be a great time to detox/cleanse, to not only assist your body in being ever healthier but to also assist your mental state to transition into either warmer or colder temperatures. 


The summertime can make you feel a lot less grounded, airy, dry, and obviously, hot, which to some bodies can make you feel out of balance. In Ayurveda, there are three different types of constitutions, and depending upon your constitution, summertime can be a bit more challenging than other seasons. Pitta dosha means that you have more fire in your system, so in the summertime, that fire is exacerbated, and thus implementing cooling rituals can help the summertime become more enjoyable. At least that's what I am hoping! 


Which is what brings me back around to the Detox Smoothie. I started gravitating towards it because it is a cooling food, and can help aid that transition from spring to summer. I'm looking forward to being more intentional about making summer the most enjoyable by using self-care practices to cool myself and feel more grounded. 


The recipe! 

Adapted from the Medical Medium site:  https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/heavy-metal-detox-smoothie

  • 2 bananas OR 1-2 cups of mango
  • 2 cups blueberries
  • 1 cup cilantro (or less if need to adjust to flavor)
  • 1 cup orange juice, or one whole orange if you don't mind some more pulp (you can also peel off any of the white part of the orange to make it less pulpy while still getting the whole food juice from the orange)
  • 1 tsp spirulina
  • 1 tsp barley grass juice powder (or another greens powder such as vitamineral green, or moringa powder)
  • small handful of Atlantic dulse



Could range from mulberries, raisins, Higher Power raw sprouted pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, macadamia nuts, or gRawnola, to fresh fruit (strawberry, banana, blueberries, kiwi, orange pieces), or even some cacao nibs sprinkled on top with some coconut flakes could be a great option. 

Tweak the recipe according to taste, and work yourself into the green powders/dulse/cilantro if it's too strong at first. 

Happy detox!

Tag us @higherpowerrawfoods if you snap a shot of your next smoothie bowl. We love to see what you all are creating ~ 

Until next time,

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." (Maya Angelou)






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